Our Meetings Are Held Thursday Nights at 7:00PM at the Thurmont Scouting, Inc. Building, 26 Elm Street
Shakedown hikes are designed to prepare you to be both physically fit and ready with the stuff you need.
"How To Use a Shakedown Hike To Prepare for Your Next Trek" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Put out your campfire by pouring water on the embers until you can safely place your hand on the cold coals.
"How to Make Sure Your Campfire is Completely Out" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
The ax is one of the best tools for gathering wood. But to chop effectively and stay safe, you must know what you're doing.
"How to Use an Ax to Chop Wood" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Come on in! The water's great! But before you grab your swimsuit, read this.
"Dive Into These 5 Tips Before Your Next Aquatic Adventure" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
A dining fly is a useful part of any campsite. It provides shelter in case it rains, and serves as hub to set up your camp around.
"How to Set Up a Dining Fly" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: Should I get solar chargers?
"Using a Solar Charger in the Outdoors" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
You’re hiking and your jacket gets snagged on a branch and rips. How can you fix it while on the trail? Simply slap a NoSo patch ($10-$20, nosopatches.com) over the hole. Peel and stick these lightweight, durable patches to prolong the life of your clothing. Most attach to nylon and polyester fabrics, but NoSo also carries patches designed to cover denim, fleece and merino wool. The patches are waterproof, machine-washable and weather-resistant. Most can cover a 2-by-2-inch hole, though some designs are bigger. You can also find NoSo patches at the Scout Shop. They come in cute and cool designs, featuring animals, national parks, food and artistic patterns. My favorites are the Smokey Bear patches.
"Stuff We Like: NoSo Patches" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: How do I keep the inside of my tent clean and dry?
"How to Keep the Inside of a Tent Clean and Dry" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
A good sleeping bag can make the difference between comfort and a long, miserable night. Stay warm and comfy in one of these sleeping bags.
"How to Buy the Best Sleeping Bag" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
When you're winter camping, you might be tempted to eat snow. Here's why that's not a good idea.
"How to Safely Melt Snow To Use as Drinking Water on a Camping Trip" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
From nose bleeds to snake bites, Be Prepared to handle emergencies the right way.
"4 Debunked First-Aid Myths That People Still Believe" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Crows, ravens, magpies, nutcrackers and jays — these songbirds are all corvids.
"Clever Curious Corvids: Learn About This Family of Brainy Birds" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Here's how to properly honor and respect the flag of the United States.
"How to Display and Fold the American Flag" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: What are good options for waterproof hiking boots?
"Two Good Options for Waterproof Hiking Boots" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Sustainability means not wasting our resources. Nemo Equipment is trying to further that mission with its products.
"Stuff We Like: Nemo Endless Promise Sleeping Bag" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
You can create a tasty meal with just heavy-duty aluminum foil and hot coals from a campfire.
"How to Cook a Tasty Foil Dinner In the Campfire" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
If you fall on a steep snow slope and begin to slide, here's how to stop your slide.
"How to Use an Ice Ax to Self-Arrest on a Snowy Slope" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: What should I bring on a cold campout?
"Think Layers When Packing for a Cold Campout" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Get expert tips to help you buy a rain jacket that's sure to keep you dry and warm in any type of wet weather.
"How To Buy a Good Rain Jacket for Outdoor Activities" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Need a knee-slapping skit for your next campfire? Try one of these entertaining skit ideas.
"10 Funny Campfire Skits" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Safety procedures for using a lightweight stove or propane stove on your next camping trip.
"How to Safely Use a Camping Stove" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: I’m going whitewater rafting. I’m wondering about footwear for in the raft and out of the water.
"What Kind of Footwear for Whitewater Rafting?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Binoculars let you study wildlife that's far away. With the Pentax Papilio II, you can observe close-up wildlife, too.
"Stuff We Like: Papilio II Binoculars" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
The more you use rope, the more it frays. Here's how to make one of the most important tools in Scouting last a little longer.
"How to Whip and Fuse the Ends of Rope" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Birdwatching can be a fun pastime. All you need are binoculars and a bird guide to start.
"How to Get Started Birdwatching" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Carry your gear efficiently with these top backpacks.
"Pick the Best Backpack With These Expert Buying Tips" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: Why use a hiking stick?
"What are the Advantages to Using a Hiking Stick?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
The cicada's rhythmic, ear-splitting sound is a sure sign of summer.
"Cicadas: Making Summer Magical" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: What are red bugs or chiggers and how do you treat their bites?
"How Do You Prevent and Treat Chigger Bites?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: I don’t like camping when there are a lot of bugs. What can I do?
"What Can I Do To Avoid Bugs When Camping?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Don’t have a piece of flint to start a fire? No worries if you have the 5.11 Ferro Knife.
"Stuff We Like: 5.11 Ferro Knife" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
When you’re scuba diving, you obviously can’t talk to others underwater. That’s why it’s important to know hand signals.
"How to Communicate Underwater When Scuba Diving" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: I need to replace my old lantern. Any suggestions?
"Good Replacement for an Old Lantern?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Explore beneath the water's surface with this recommended snorkeling gear.
"How to Buy Snorkeling Gear for an Underwater Adventure" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
I’m nervous about my first overnight campout. How should I handle it?
"How to Overcome Nervousness About First Campout" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
These magnificent mammals are superb at hiding and stalking.
"Bobcats Are the Cats in Camo" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Getting sick when you're camping stinks. Treating your water is one of the best ways to stay healthy.
"How to Treat Your Water to Stay Healthy in the Backcountry" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: What’s a decently priced fire starter?
"Which Fire Starter Should I Choose?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Chaco uses fleece to line its Ramble Puff shoes, helping your feet stay toasty and comfy.
"Stuff We Like: Chaco Ramble Puff" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Pick a hat that looks and feels good to you and is ideal for the conditions where you’ll wear it.
"Protect Your Head With These Functional, Fashionable Hats" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Heat from a campfire can char the ground, blacken rocks and sterilize soil.
"How to Prevent Fire Damage When Building a Campfire" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: When my socks get wet, they stop feeling warm. What kind should I buy for cold, wet weather?
"Which Socks Are Best for Cold, Wet Weather?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Mosquitoes are annoying, and they can be dangerous, too. Here's how to keep them away.
"5 Tips to Avoid Mosquito Bites" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
There's a beautiful layer of freshly fallen snow in your backyard. Is it OK to grab a handful and take a bite?
"Is It OK to Eat Snow?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: My tent came with a footprint. How do you use one?
"How Do You Use a Tent Footprint?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
The 50-liter backpack unzips like a suitcase, giving you easy access to your gear.
"Stuff We Like: Near Zero Dean" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Dutch ovens make baking at camp easy. Here’s how to make a delicious peach cobbler.
"Use a Dutch Oven to Make Philmont Ranger Cobbler" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: What is the best option for buying cheaper gear?
"Where Can I Find Cheaper Gear?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
This 2-pound kit could save your life for at least three days in the wild.
"How to Make a DIY Survival Kit" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Stay warm and Be Prepared for camping in the cold.
"How to Gear Up for Winter" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Avalanches are a serious concern for all travelers whose outings take them into snowy, mountainous regions.
"How to Watch Out for Avalanches in Snowy, Mountainous Terrain" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: I’m looking for a comfortable daypack that’s less than $120.
"Where to Find an Inexpensive and Comfortable Daypack" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
We don’t usually think of plants as predators, but some plants do eat insects and other small creatures. Since they can’t chase prey, these carnivorous (meat-eating) plants have developed some clever strategies to capture their food. Of the hundreds of thousands of plant species, there are only about 800 that are carnivorous. They typically grow in wetlands or forests where soils are wet for at least part of the year. These soils are often poor in nutrients, so plants that get much of their energy from sunlight through photosynthesis need to supplement their diet with insects and other prey. VENUS FLYTRAPS The Venus flytrap is probably the most famous carnivorous plant. Native only to a small area in coastal North and South Carolina, it has been established elsewhere in the U.S. Despite the name, Venus flytraps eat mostly spiders; crawling insects like ants; and smaller amounts of beetles, grasshoppers and other insects. The Venus flytrap’s hinged “snap traps” are leaves that look like little clams with big eyelashes. The inner surfaces are bright red to purple (to attract insects) and have tiny hairlike projections called “cilia.” When triggered by a bug, the cilia cause the two lobes of the trap [...]
"Watch Out, Bug! These Plants Are Hungry" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: How do I keep my pocketknife sharp?
"How to Sharpen a Pocketknife" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Buying a backpack and separate solar charging system can get expensive. So why not get them together?
"Stuff We Like: Voltaic OffGrid" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Keep sharp in your Scouting endeavors with the right knife or multitool for the job.
"How to Buy a Good Pocketknife or Multitool" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Every packing list starts with these items. They're called "Scouting Outdoor Essentials" for a reason.
"Every Packing List Starts With the 10 Scout Basic Outdoor Essentials" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
You can use a map and compass to figure out which direction you're facing.
"How to Use a Compass to Orient a Map and Find Your Way" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: I’m going on my first campout with my Cub Scout pack. What’s a good sleeping bag to get?
"Good Sleeping Bag for a Cub Scout?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
This air pump can inflate or deflate your sleeping pad while lighting up your tent at the same time.
"Stuff We Like: Flextail Tiny Pump" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Check out this photo gallery of crazy, futuristic, unusual and awesome tents. Which is your favorite?
"Would You Go Camping in One of These 13 Intense Tents?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Crossing a body of water presents some hazards. So before you just wade in, consider several factors.
"How to Safely Cross a Stream" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Whether you pick a tent or tarp, these shelters will guard you from the elements.
"Tent or Tarp? How to Pick the Right Camping Shelter" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Take outdoor cooking to the next level with this homemade solar cooker.
"How to Make a Solar-Powered Oven for Outdoor Cooking" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: I am looking for a new pocketknife. Should I get a single-blade or a Swiss Army knife?
"Should I Get a Single-Blade or a Swiss Army Knife?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
What's that strange-looking creature? It's a horned lizard, one of the most unusual reptiles in the U.S.
"Discover the Cool, Unusual Horned Lizard" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: What should I use to purify water on a long trek?
"How To Purify Water on a Long Trek?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Simply slide the flashlight's head forward or back with your finger to create a flood beam or a focused beam.
"Stuff We Like: Coast HX5 Flashlight" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Sunglasses can look cool, but first they should protect your eyes.
"How to Buy Good Sunglasses" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: I’m looking for comfortable hiking boots that are affordable and waterproof.
"Where To Find Comfortable and Affordable Hiking Boots?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Life Jackets are designed to keep you safe. These personal flotation devices are essential equipment whenever you're on the water.
"How to Safely Use a Life Jacket" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
When caught in a rip current, don't panic and don't exhaust yourself trying to swim against the current. Here's what to do.
"How to Escape From a Rip Current" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Learn an easy way to remember the four water rescues that can be used to save someone's life in an emergency.
"Reach, Throw, Row, Go! Learn the 4 Water Rescue Techniques" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Bikepacking is a camping trip you take on your bike. Here's what you need to get started.
"Get Your Bicycle Ready and Grab This Gear to Go Bikepacking" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
You can arrange your firewood to get different results, depending on the weather and how you want to manage the fire.
"3 Different Ways To Lay the Firewood for a Campfire" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Bears can catch a scent miles away. That’s why you need to properly store your smellables when you’re in bear country.
"How To Stay Safe From Bears" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: Every time I use my propane stove, it leaves black soot all over my cookware. How can I stop this from happening?
"Why Does My Propane Stove Leave Soot on My Cookware?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Sleeping pads provide cushioning to help you get a good night's sleep. Here are two of our favorites.
"Stuff We Like: Therm-a-Rest" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Spring means it is time for the arrival of billions of birds from Mexico, Central America and South America.
"It’s Flight Time! Get Ready for the Incredible Spring Bird Migration" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Here's how to find a comfy camp chair for whenever you need a rest.
"How To Pick the Best Camp Chair for Any Outdoor Activity" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Relax around camp by lashing together a comfortable camping chair. It's easy if you have the pioneering skills.
"How to Use Lashings to Build a Comfortable Camp Chair" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: The survival kit my parents gave me came with a little sewing kit. What is that for?
"Why Is There a Sewing Kit in My Survival Kit?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Before shooting an arrow, go through the nine-step process of stance, nock, set, pre-draw, draw, anchor, aim, release and follow-through.
"How To Take Aim Like Robin Hood With a Bow and Arrow" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Preparing camp meals with food allergies in mind keeps everyone safe and helps you make food everyone can enjoy.
"Be Courteous About Allergies in the Camp Kitchen" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
This simple knot can be used to prevent a rope from slipping through a pulley or hole, or to make a rope easier to grip.
"How to Tie an Overhand Knot" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: What backpack should I get to hold all my stuff?
"What Backpack to Hold All My Stuff?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
The twist-on lids stay secure, keeping your gear (or snacks for the trail) from spilling.
"Stuff We Like: Whiskware Snacking Containers" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: I lost my sunglasses on my troop's last campout. What should I get to replace them?
"I Lost My Sunglasses. What Should I Get to Replace Them?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Not only are sleds fun, but they're also a great way to carry gear in winter.
"How to Make a Pulk Sled for Backpacking in the Snow" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
The amount of charcoal your Dutch oven needs will vary in order to reach the desired temperature.
"Conversion Chart for Dutch Oven Cooking Times and Temperatures" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Losing body heat happens in all seasons, and it can kill. Know the symptoms of hypothermia and how to treat them.
"What Are the Signs of Hypothermia and How Do You Treat It?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
The Gear Guy shines some light on which headlamp of flashlight to consider for your next outdoor adventure.
"How to Buy a Great Headlamp or Flashlight" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Check out our fun photos of weird and unusual headlamps and flashlights.
"Take a Look at These 7 Wacky Flashlights" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
An uncovered head can leave you chilly, so it’s important to keep your noggin insulated in the winter.
"How to Keep Your Head Warm in Cold Weather" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: There are so many mess kits out there. Help!
"Which Mess Kit Should I Buy?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Lightweight and handy, the Morakniv Scout 39 is a fixed-blade knife designed for beginners.
"Stuff We Like: Morakniv Scout 39" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Q: I need a good sleeping pad. What do you suggest?
"Suggestions for a Good Sleeping Pad?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
The Nature Crew takes a look at the amazing flying squirrel.
"Catching Air with Flying Squirrels" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Go Scouting on the wild side with these awesome animal-focused activities.
"Scouts Get an Up-Close Look at Animals at These Fun Outings" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
It's knot difficult. With our step-by-step videos, the seven basic Scout knots are easy to learn. Give them a tie!
"How to Tie the 7 Basic Scout Knots" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.