Our Meetings Are Held Thursday Nights at 7:00PM at the Thurmont Scouting, Inc. Building, 26 Elm Street
Follow these simple instructions to fold a paper airplane that can do stunts.
"How to Make a Super-Cool Paper Airplane" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
For a safe and fun bicycle ride, make sure you check and maintain these important parts of your bike.
"5 Things to Check Before Every Bike Ride" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Campfire nachos are a fun, easy and delicious meal to enjoy outdoors. WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO MAKE CAMPFIRE NACHOS Cast-iron skillet or Dutch oven. If you don’t have cast-iron cookware, and aluminum pan will also work. Bowl Cooking utensils Aluminum foil Plates Paper towels Grill mitts or barbecue gloves Protein like ground beef or chicken, or beans for a vegetarian option. To save time, you can precook the protein at home and skip steps 2 and 3. Shredded cheese Cooking oil Taco seasoning Tortilla chips Black beans Cilantro Diced onions Diced tomatoes Guacamole Salsa Sliced jalapeños Sour cream WHAT YOU’LL DO TO MAKE CAMPFIRE NACHOS Step 1. Build a campfire and let it burn down to hot coals. You want a nice, even heat to cook your campfire nachos without burning them. Here are instructions on how to build a campfire. Step 2. Grease the bottom of your skillet or Dutch oven with the cooking oil. While it’s heating, season your choice of protein. Cook meat until it’s done. Step 3. Next, use grill mitts or barbecue gloves to remove the skillet or oven from the fire. This step should be performed by an adult or an older Scout (Webelos [...]
"How to Cook Campfire Nachos" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
This jar of hot chocolate mix makes the PERFECT holiday gift for everyone on your list!
"How to Make the Perfect Jar of Hot Chocolate Mix" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Your eyes can play tricks on you. See if you can figure out these awesome optical illusions.
"9 Optical Illusions to Confuse Your Brain" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Rocks, action figures, buttons, cereal boxes, baseball cards -- here's how to start a collection of practically anything.
"How to Start a Collection of Practically Anything" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
The goal is to capture the other team's flag and bring it back to your side.
"How to Play Capture the Flag" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Need a knee-slapping skit for your next campfire? Try one of these entertaining skit ideas.
"10 Funny Campfire Skits" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Downtime at camp can turn really fun when you toss in a ball. Here's how to throw one.
"How to Throw a Ball" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Trail mix doesn't have to be boring. Mix and match these ingredients to create your own perfect trail snack.
"Try 40 Trail Mix Ingredients That Go Beyond GORP" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Create your own top-secret invisible messages with this simple technique.
"How to Make Invisible Ink for Writing Top-Secret Messages" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Birdwatching can be a fun pastime. All you need are binoculars and a bird guide to start.
"How to Get Started Birdwatching" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Here are five popular types of leather, what makes them unique, and what kinds of things you can make with them.
"Learn About 5 Types of Leather Used in Leatherworking" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Grab a pencil (NOT a pen!) and let's learn how to draw a cat! Here's how.
"How to Draw a Cat" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
How often have you gone to a baseball game hoping to catch a ball that goes into the stands? It's not as hard as it seems.
"5 Easy Tips to Help You Snag a Free Baseball at a Game" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Never be without your favorite jokes again. Download, print and fold these fun pocket-sized joke books to take with you.
"How to Fold Your Own Pocket-Sized Joke Books" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Use this helpful tool to translate between morse code and text.
"Learn Morse Code With This Morse Translator and Decoder" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
If you want to be a chess champ, it'll take lots of learning and lots of practicing. Here are 10 tips to get you started.
"10 Tips to Become a Chess Champ" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
You can take fingerprints using a pencil, a sheet of paper and clear adhesive tape.
"How to Easily Take Fingerprints With Household Items" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Relax around camp by lashing together a comfortable camping chair. It's easy if you have the pioneering skills.
"How to Use Lashings to Build a Comfortable Camp Chair" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Learn how to fold this classic paper game and fill it with hidden messages.
"How to Make a Paper Fortune Teller" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
This simple magic trick is all about storytelling -- and a little sleight of hand. Learn how to do it with our step-by-step video.
"How to Do the 4 Thieves Card Trick" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Learn to draw a bear from an Oscar-nominated animator who worked on the Brother Bear movie.
"Learn How to Draw a Bear From a Pro" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Chess grandmaster and Eagle Scout Kayden Troff shares his nine tips to become a better player.
"Improve Your Chess Skills With These 9 Expert Tips" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Perfectly good food scraps get tossed in the trash when they can be used to help make another meal.
"Combat Food Waste with These 5 Easy Recipes" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
There's no reason to mess with this classic camping dessert. But if you're feeling adventurous, here are 11 tasty S'more variations.
"11 Tasty S’mores Recipes" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Tomahawk throwing can be a rigorous yet rewarding activity. The secret to throwing tomahawks is "lots of practice and follow-through."
"How to Throw a Tomahawk and Hit a Target" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Use your lashing skills to make this simple tripod to hang a pot over a cooking fire.
"How to Build a Cooking Tripod" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
You're never too old to color, so grab some crayons or colored pencils and download our fun coloring book.
"Download a Scout Life Coloring Book" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Give dad a cup full of love and warmth by customizing a coffee mug for him.
"How to Customize a Coffee Mug for Father’s Day" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Play chess anywhere with this downloadable paper chess set. Just cut out the pieces and start playing!
"Download a Printable Paper Chess Set That You Can Make at Home" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Highlight your favorite moments with mom by making her a photo album.
"How to Make a Homemade Photo Album for Mother’s Day" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
To help out these beautiful monarch butterflies, you can build this protective habitat.
"How to Make a Monarch Butterfly Habitat" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
If you're bored, cooped up or just want to smile, check out these mood-boosting videos!
"10 Videos Guaranteed to Make You Smile" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Be creative! Try these easy indoor activities and projects and send us photos!
"Stuck Inside? 25 Fun Projects to Do at Home" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
The heart knot is easy to tie, and you can use it to make a necklace, bracelet or keychain.
"How to Tie a Heart Knot for Valentine’s Day" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
You can make a BIG difference in the world, no matter your age!
"15 Community Service Projects Perfect for Kids and Cub Scouts" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Learn how to use a "key card" to perform this easy magic trick using only a deck of cards.
"How to Do the Surefire Card Trick" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Rip a piece out of a dollar bill and then miraculously repair it. Watch a video of the trick in action to learn how to do it.
"Learn How to Do the ‘Torn and Restored Dollar Bill’ Magic Trick" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
An Eagle Scout professional Lego master shares his top tips for building better creations. Plus, send us your Lego photos.
"6 Top Tips for Building Better Lego Creations" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Learn how to tie the friendship knot and find out the really cool story behind it!
"The Friendship Knot: How to Secure Your Neckerchief Without a Slide" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Becoming a rock hound -- an amateur collector of rocks and minerals -- is easy! Here's how to get started.
"How to Start a Rock Collection" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Use this calculator to find out what you'd weigh on the other planets in our solar system.
"How Much Would You Weigh on Other Planets?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Being a responsible dog owner means keeping your pup clean. Try these dog-bathing tips from the Dog Care merit badge pamphlet.
"How to Wash Your Dog" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Go ahead and play with your food to learn more about lighting, composition and photo magic.
"Take Tastier Food Photos With These Professional Tips" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Don't give up. Making plaster casts of animal tracks in snow is tricky but not impossible.
"How to Make a Plaster Cast of Animal Tracks in the Snow" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Experiment with lighting, angles and a camera to set up fun photo shoots and create a little bit of photo magic.
"How BL Uses Photo Magic to Get the Not-So-Big Picture" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Solving a Rubik's Cube takes patience, practice and plenty of trial and error. Here's how to do it.
"How to Solve the Rubik’s Cube" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Making paper airplanes is tough, but BL is here to help. These three videos will make your next paper airplane fly far.
"Make Your Paper Airplane Soar With These Tips" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
A drying rack is perfect for hanging wet clothes or towels during a long-term campout. Here's how to build it.
"How to Lash Together Your Own Clothes Drying Rack" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Is there anything you can’t make with duct tape and a little imagination?
"10 Amazing Duct-Tape Creations You Can Make Right Now" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Here's how to build a dishwashing rack that can be used for backcountry dish and utensil cleaning.
"How to Build Your Own Dishwashing Rack" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Here's how to lash together a small camp table to provide a convenient raised surface.
"How to Build a Stand-Alone Camp Table" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
This wash station is sturdy, portable and very useful when camping away from washroom facilities.
"How to Build a Hand Wash Station" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
A world-famous ventriloquist shares the secrets of how to do ventriloquism.
"Learn How To Be a Ventriloquist" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Spiders can make fascinating pets. Here are a few steps to get you started keeping spiders.
"How to Keep Spiders as Pets" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Everybody has their own style, but here are some tips that will help you take the best videos.
"Take the Best Videos With These Videography Tips" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Some animals have amazing natural camouflage. Can you find where they're hiding?
"Can You Spot 30 Hidden Animals in These Photos?" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Summer is for outside, and these fun games are just the things to get you out there.
"5 Fun Backyard Games" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Make a barometer to give you a heads-up about weather conditions.
"Make a Weather Barometer" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Learn how to do four magic tricks with the help of our video tutorials.
"Amaze Your Friends with These 4 Awesome Magic Tricks" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Find out how to preserve fragile snowflakes so you can study or admire them anytime you wish.
"Catch a Snowflake and Keep It Forever" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Boys' Life has provided more than 100 years of great reading. Here are 100 other titles that every kid should read.
"100 Books That Every Kid Should Read" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Have fun with the wacky world of science. Try these simple experiments.
"6 Weird Science Experiments" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Use a digital camera or camera phone to create a trail of photo clues for your friends to find.
"How to Plan a Photo Scavenger Hunt" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
The first movie appeared just a few years before the first issue of Boys' Life. Since then, there have been a lot of great ones. Here are 100 movies that every kid should see.
"100 Movies Every Kid Should Watch" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Watch as an expert demonstrates how to do five yo-yo tricks.
"How to Do 5 Awesome Yo-Yo Tricks" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
No referee? No sports field? No problem. We've adapted these four sports so they can be played almost anywhere.
"4 Fun Sports For the Great Outdoors" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
A professional illustrator shows how to make your penciled puppies come to life.
"How to Draw Cartoon Dogs" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Sometimes a rock's just a rock... and sometimes it's a fossil. How can you tell the difference?
"How to Find Fossils" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Candy isn't just a sugary treat. You can learn something by using it in some fun science experiments.
"Conduct 7 Sweet Candy Experiments" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Stuck in the backseat on a long drive? Here are some classic (and free!) games to help travel time go by faster.
"6 Fun Games to Play in the Car" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Get some sand-sculpting tips from a pro.
"How to make amazing sand castles" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
A stone-skipping expert shares his tips to help you successfully skip rocks.
"How to Skip Rocks" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Learn more about science, weather and energy by conducting these experiments with easy-to-find materials.
"4 interesting weather experiments to try at home" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Watch video tips from a young golfer who has played with the pros.
"Tips to improve your golf game" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Build a fun power door opener as seen in science-fiction and spy movies.
"Use an old toy car to make a power door opener for your bedroom" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and get ready to learn how to give your friends a few yucks and chuckles. This is a lesson in how to draw caricatures.
"How to draw funny caricatures" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
We scoured the Internet for these six strange recipes and oddball cooking methods. Then we challenged a Scout troop to try them out.
"How to Cook Some Goofy Grub" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Want to make an amazing movie? Just follow these tips from one of the best filmmakers around.
"Tips for making movie magic" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
It’s not as easy to get an autograph in person as it used to be. Here’s how to attract your favorite baseball player’s attention.
"How to Get a Player’s Autograph" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Like most food, doughnuts taste even better when you're camping. Here's a simple recipe to cook fresh doughnuts on your next outing.
"How to Cook Camping Doughnuts" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Pedro tells the story, but you twist the plot in our new interactive adventure.
"Choose Pedro’s Wacky Adventure" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
You can demonstrate cool scientific laws using common objects around the house.
"Amazing Science Tricks with Common Household Items" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Learn some basic skateboarding techniques from a world record-holding skater.
"Skateboarding Video Tips and Tricks" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
You can grow lots of food in a small space by placing plants close together in squares instead of traditional rows.
"How to Plant a Compact Vegetable Garden" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Use these handy smartphone photography tips to take awesome pictures with your camera phone.
"9 tips for taking better smartphone photos" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Want to take better digital photos? Here are 12 tips that will help your pictures really stand out.
"12 tips for taking better digital photos" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Grab a pencil (NOT a pen!) and let's draw an elephant! Here's how.
"How to Draw an Elephant" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Looking for some new Pinewood Derby car design ideas? Take a look at some of the great cars sent to us in 2012.
"50 Incredible Pinewood Derby Cars of 2012" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Looking for Pinewood Derby design ideas? Browse photos of more than 100 amazing Pinewood Derby cars.
"100 Amazing Pinewood Derby Car Design Photos of 2011" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Not sure what to read? Start with this teacher/librarian-tested list of titles for boys of all ages.
"Sure-fire hits to get you reading" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Improve your fishing with these casting tips from a professional fisherman.
"Pro Angler Demonstrates 5 Ways to Cast Your Fishing Line" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Looking for Pinewood Derby design ideas? Browse our photos of more than 100 amazing Pinewood Derby cars.
"100 Cool Pinewood Derby Car Photos of 2010" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Plants don't need soil as long as they have five things: food, water, light, air and support. You can provide all five in a hydroponic garden. Here's how to create your own.
"How to start a hydroponic garden" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Read it and keep it! Here's how to start a great collection of magazines.
"How to start a collection of magazines" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Ten tips to help you get straight A's in school and have fun at the same time!
"10 Steps to Help You Get Straight A’s" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Use felt to make the grass in your models look good enough to mow.
"Realistic grass for your models" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.
Try these amazing feats using things you may already have in your home.
"Sneaky uses for everyday things" appeared first on Scout Life magazine.