Our Meetings Are Held Thursday Nights at 7:00PM at the Thurmont Scouting, Inc. Building, 26 Elm Street

Mission Statement

The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.

Vision Statement

The Boy Scouts of America is the nation's foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training. In the future, Scouting will continue to;

  • Offer young people responsible fun and adventure;
  • Instill in young people lifetime values and develop in them ethical character as expressed in the Scout Oath and Law;
  • Train young people in citizenship, service, and leadership;
  • Serve America's communities and families with its quality, values-based program.

Scouts BSA

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) was incorporated to provide a program for community organizations that offer effective character, citizenship, and personal fitness training for youth. Specifically, the BSA endeavors to develop American citizens who are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit; have a high degree of self-reliance as evidenced in such qualities as initiative, courage, and resourcefulness; have personal values based on religious concepts; have the desire and skills to help others; understand the principles of the American social, economic, and governmental systems; are knowledgeable about and take pride in their American heritage and understand our nation's role in the world; have a keen respect for the basic rights of all people; and are prepared to participate in and give leadership to American society.

Scouts BSA, one of three membership divisions of the BSA (the others are Cub Scouting and Venturing BSA), is available to youth who have earned the Arrow of Light Award or have completed the fifth grade, or who are 11 through 17 years old, and subscribe to the Scout Oath and Law. The program achieves the BSA's objectives of developing character, citizenship, and personal fitness qualities among youth by focusing on a vigorous program of outdoor activities.


The Scouts, BSA program has three specific objectives, commonly referred to as the "Aims of Scouting." They are character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. The methods by which the aims are achieved are listed below in random order to emphasize the equal importance of each.


The ideals of Scouting are spelled out in the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, the Scout motto, and the Scout slogan. The Scout measures themselves against these ideals and continually tries to improve. The goals are high, and, as they reach for them, they have some control over what and who they become.


The patrol method gives Scouts an experience of in group living and participating citizenship. It places responsibility on young shoulders and teaches them how to accept it. The patrol method allows Scouts to interact in small groups where they can easily relate to each other. These small groups determine troop activities through their elected representatives.

Outdoor Programs

Scouting is designed to take place outdoors. It is in the outdoor setting that Scouts share responsibilities and learn to live with one another. It is here that the skills and activities practiced at troop meetings come alive with purpose. Being close to nature helps Scouts gain an appreciation for G-d's handiwork and humankind's place in it. The outdoors is the laboratory for Scouts to learn ecology and practice conservation of nature's resources.


We ask you to get as involved as you can in your youth’s scouting experience. Behind every successful Scout is an interested and participating parent. Troop 270 has a Google Group email list in which you can stay informed. We encourage all parents (and Scouts) to join the email list which can be found by going to the website's home page and clicking on the "Sign up for Troop 270's Mailing List" button on the left menu. The email listserv is the Troop's way of actively informing our membership of upcoming events, general Scouting and outdoor information.

The website is also one of our marketing tools to interface us with the public. Among the pages, you will find that it contains much of the information Scouts need for a complete Scouting experience in Troop 270. The website contains advancement information, the Troop event calendar, forms and many other useful items. Be sure to check the calendar for upcoming events frequently. Please note that, for safety reasons, the public website will not contain the Scout’s full names or contact information.

Parent's Responsibilities

  • Read "A Parent's Guide" located in the front of the Scouts BSA Handbook.
  • Scouting is family based. Our Troop is very active and requires a lot of adult help. The adult support is organized through the Troop Committee. All parents are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings, even if you are not on the committee, join the committee and lend a hand with the many support activities (i.e.: transportation needs, fundraising activities).
  • Attend other meetings as required (i.e.: Courts of Honor, information for summer camp, special activities, etc.)
  • Sign up on Scoutbook and follow your Scout's progress.

The purpose of the Family Handbook is to familiarize scouts and their parents with Policies and Procedures of Scouts BSA Troop 270.  For the most part, you can learn about Scouting, camping, and general policies and procedures from the Scout Handbook and other literature available from Boy Scouts of America, however, like all organizations, there are certain policies and procedures that have come into being over the years to facilitate specific needs of our Troop and these must be written down somewhere to make all participants aware of them.

We think that we run a fun and exciting program. If a program is not fun, it will fail. As you will learn, however, there is much more than fun involved in scouting!  It takes a lot of work by the leaders, the Troop Committee, and all the dedicated parents, to supervise this program.



To ALL New Scouts and their Families,


On behalf of all our adult leaders and scouts of Troop 270, I welcome you to Troop 270, a wonderful scout led organization. We are very glad to have you here!

My name is Mark Dixon and I have been the Scoutmaster for a year. I have been active in Scouts for 3 years and was a Scout in my youth.

My wife and I are business owners. We have been married 25 years and have 2 girls and a boy, all involved with scouting. My first business was mowing lawns at age 14. Since then I have grown 4 additional businesses. In my 35 years of work I have learned a number of things important to success. One of the most important ideals for for a leader is to listen. There is always something new to learn! Yogi Berra once said "You can observe a lot by just watching." I say, "You can hear a lot by just listening!" So we at Troop 270 work together as a team.

After all...    IT"S ABOUT THE BOYS!!!

Troop 270 has been around since 1946 but its roots trace back to 1928! We meet Thursday night from 7PM to 8:30PM at the Scout House at 26 Elm Street in Thurmont. You can read more about that on the Troops Home Page at     troop270.com

The Troop is very active with many camping, hiking, field trips and training programs.

Our goal is to help these boys learn new skills, confidence, and leadership and become the best they can be. Don't feel overwhelmed by all the activity, we want scouting to be part of your life. It doesn't have to BE your life! We support your family needs and school activities. You will get out of scouting what you put in it.

It's about the FUN-FUN-FUN!!

We take time to have games, laugh, and build friendships. We know that following the Scout Oath and law lead to success and happiness. Our Adult leadership endeavors to model the scout oath and law and treat each scout as an opportunity to make the world a better place. We don't always get it right, but we want to (it's about the boys!!). So if you see something you don't understand or if you have an idea please talk to me, the Scoutmaster, or any adult leader. We value your input!

Thank you for reading this. I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful adventure for you!

Mark Dixon


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